Friday, July 29, 2022

Going through my DeviantArt notifications...

 Hi all... I was going through the notifications that I got on DeviantArt! I haven't been on there in quite awhile though! They had something quite fun.... it's called "Adoptables"! So I downloaded the free file (all they asked was how we can transform it, to share with the world). Which I thought was pretty 😎! I submitted mine to DeviantArt.  I transformed it with the #MediBangPaint app! 

What do you think? Want to see more  head to: 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Kreating a website...

In  Canva...

This took me at least 2 hours to design! It's a good thing that #Canva gives you an unpublish button (so you are able to edit the website, making any necessary changes as needed) which happens to be great!

If you have any questions contact me via my blog or other social media networks! HappyKreating!

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Having fun designing a notepad...

 In! Ideal for the inspiration of great note taking especially if you have up coming birthday's for people you know! Here's the image below:

Here's the link to the pdf version as well below:

If you plan on using the link please make sure to give me the credit for the design  by using  the hashtag #HappyKreating! 
