Monday, July 27, 2020


My newest sticker design which is for sale!

The  layout was made with the app called #MediBangPaint! Here's a short video of the sticker project  made by me! Happy kreating! 

Saturday, July 25, 2020


What would you do with this png file image?  Let me know in the comments!

Happy Kreating! 

Saturday, July 18, 2020


I have been busy working on a new design of a baby's bottle, using the shapes tool and then I colored it  in,  it turned out to be so cute!  What should my next sticker design be?  Leave a comment below  or use my contact form to get in touch!  Happy kreating!  The app I used is  #MediBangPaint!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Making #pixelart with a digital graph paper...

Hello my lovely Kreative peeps! I was thinking about how to make a cute little digital craft for a new baby in the family and this is what I came up with...

The app I used is #MediBangPaint (it has it's own text feature, which is how I got the lettering. )   Happy kreating! Can you guess the other secret item, used in this  craft?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Gift for a baby girl...

The #babybragbook is done! I also found a another item to hang on the nursery wall of the baby's room! I embellished it with my own digital art and all of the items were bought at the #Dollartree! (With the exception of the ink for use in the project, I use an hp printer) for all of my digital art work. Here is the image & video below:

Happy Kreating! 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The cover design for the baby brag book...

Which design is best? Here are the two images below:

This was made with my app called #MediBangPaint.  I spent a few days just working on the cover! I think this is way to stinking cute! I have plans on how to put this little book together!  It's  going to be made all with #dollartree items after it has been printed out! Putting the book together  physically will be the hardest part of the process! I hope you stick around to see the design come to life! Happy kreating!